lauantaina, toukokuuta 09, 2020

Delia feat Speak - A lu' Mamaia

Delia feat Speak - Mamaia's

Dacă începem să petrecem, nu se mai termină, știi
Că nu-mi plac zilele care se termină în "i"
If we start to party know it won't stop
'Cause I don't like the days that don't start with "s"

Literally it's "days that end in i"... as in Romanian the days are:
Luni - Monday
Marți - Tuesday
Miercuri - Wednesday
Joi - Thursday
Vineri - Friday
Sâmbătă - Saturday
Duminică - Sunday
so it makes sense why he doesn't like the i-ending ones ;) btw in 4 of the days the i isn't actually pronounced but instead palatalizes (aka softens) the previous consonant, and in joi the i is pronounced as a y sound, like in boy

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