maanantaina, kesäkuuta 29, 2020

Crush + Alexandra Ungureanu feat. Glance - Iubire de-o vara

Crush + Alexandra Ungureanu ft. Glance - Summer Love

Îmi mut contul cât pot de repede pe Pinterest
Că pe Facebook mai nou fetele o ard pe interes
I am moving my account to Pinterest as fast as I can
'Cause now on Facebook girls are interested just in money again

keskiviikkona, kesäkuuta 24, 2020

Iulia Dumitrache - Supersonic

Iulia Dumitrache - Supersonic

Fă-ți pașaportul, zbori din lumea mea
Make yourself a passport, you're flying out of my world

maanantaina, kesäkuuta 22, 2020

Deea feat. Kio - Vrei Să Mă...

Deea feat. Kio - You Want To ... Me

Am nevoie de tine ca de vitamine
I need you like vitamines

Antonia ft. Puya - Hurricane

Antonia ft. Puya - Hurricane

Am nevoie de-un PR ca să pot s-apar în lume
I need a PR to be able to appear in the world

maanantaina, kesäkuuta 15, 2020

Speak feat. Alex Velea & DOC - Îmi pare rău

Speak feat. Alex Velea & DOC - I'm Sorry

Ingerez atomi de speranțe, ca să pot să cac un plan de viitor
I ingest atoms of hope, so that I can shit out a plan for the future

torstaina, kesäkuuta 11, 2020

Chris Mayer feat. Cortes & J.Yolo - Vineri

Chris Mayer feat. Cortes & J.Yolo - Friday

Asta nu-i șampanie cred că-i gazolină
This isn't champagne I think it's gasoline

keskiviikkona, kesäkuuta 10, 2020

VESCAN feat. Kamelia - Piesa mea preferată

VESCAN feat. Kamelia - My Favorite Song

Da' te rog să-mi zici cum vrei să te mint
Serios? Sau zâmbind? La telefon? Sau pe Facebook?
But please tell me how you want me to lie to you
Seriously? Or smiling? On the phone? Or on Facebook?